Healing the Inner Child with EFT — Transforming Old Wounds into Elevated Self-Worth
how Matrix Re-Imprinting works to Release Trauma, Shift Beliefs, and reclaim self-worth.
Matrix Re-Imprinting is a powerful modality used for parts work within EFT practice (otherwise known as Emotional Freedom Techniques or ‘tapping). It dismantles false limiting beliefs that have been holding us back in life—often showing up as unhelpful patterns or triggers—and replaces them with new, more accurate beliefs that support us in approaching life’s challenges in a healthier way. It is especially effective for inner child healing and parts work, helping us reintegrate lost or fragmented parts of ourselves.
💡 If you've ever felt stuck in repeating patterns—struggling with perfectionism, fear of rejection, or emotional triggers that seem disproportionate—it's likely an old part of you is still holding onto a belief that no longer serves you
The process allows our current selves to return to past moments where our younger parts felt overwhelmed, lacked emotional resilience, or were unable to cope. These are often the exact moments when limiting beliefs were formed or solidified. By offering our younger selves the support and resources they didn’t have at the time, we begin the process of rewiring the brain—shifting from being influenced by outdated, limiting beliefs to forming new, empowering ones.
To illustrate how this process unfolds, we will be following Sadie’s journey and exploring how she navigated her own healing through Matrix Re-Imprinting.
Step 1: Tracing the Trigger to Its Root
The first step in Matrix Re-Imprinting is to identify the recurring emotional reaction or belief that is holding you back. Often, these triggers show up in everyday life—seemingly small things that bring up intense emotions.
⤷ sadie’s experience
“For me, this trigger was perfectionism—specifically, the overwhelming fear of making mistakes. If something wasn’t perfect, I didn’t just feel like I had done something wrong—I felt like I was wrong.
This showed up at work in a big way. If someone gave me constructive feedback, I’d instantly feel defensive, attacked, and ashamed. I would dread anyone reviewing my work, terrified they would find a mistake and “call me out.””
Logically, she knew that mistakes were normal. But emotionally? It felt like a life-or-death situation. That level of fear told her this reaction wasn’t about work—it was about something much deeper.
Step 2: Connecting with the Younger Self Who First Formed the Belief
Once we’ve identified the emotional trigger, we use tapping to access the subconscious mind, where these limiting beliefs and unresolved emotional wounds are stored. The subconscious holds onto memories as if they are still happening, which is why triggers can feel so intense.
By engaging in Matrix Re-Imprinting, we directly connect with the past version of ourselves who first encountered the distressing event, allowing us to work with them in real time. This is where Matrix Re-Imprinting goes beyond traditional talk therapy—rather than just ‘understanding’ the issue, we actually connect with the younger version of ourselves who experienced it.
⤷ what sadie uncovered
“Through tapping, I followed this fear back to my childhood. I had grown up in an environment where I was constantly made to feel like I had done something wrong. My mother had an unpredictable temper, and her reactions were explosive.
One memory stood out—being publicly shouted at and dragged out of school when she was in a terrible rage because of something she believed I had done wrong. In that moment, my child self felt humiliated, terrified, and deeply unsafe.”
This was the moment where Sadie internalised the belief: “I am bad. There is something wrong with me.” And that belief followed her into adulthood.
Step 3: Giving Your Younger Self What They Needed
Once we’ve located the memory, we work with it—not by suppressing or ignoring it, but by helping our younger self receive the support, validation, and safety they never got.
⤷ how sadie connected with her inner child
“When I spoke to my younger self in that moment at school, she told me she wanted to escape. She didn’t feel safe with her mother, but she was trapped—this was her parent, her primary caregiver.
I realised that this feeling of being trapped mirrored my fear of intimacy as an adult. If love came with unpredictability, rejection, or shame, I would rather keep my distance.”
Perfectionism and avoidance became her survival strategies. If she did everything ‘right,’ maybe she could avoid being hurt. If she kept others at a distance and avoided deep emotional connections, she believed she could shield herself from pain and disappointment. As she tapped, she let her adult self step in to comfort and protect her younger self.
⤷ what she told little sadie
“You are safe now. I am here to protect you and we can handle whatever life throws at us.”
“You don’t have to be perfect to be loved. You are so loveable just as you are.”
“Mistakes are normal and okay, you won't be loved any less for making them."
"You don't deserve to be treated like that. No one has the right to treat you like that—ever."
For the first time, her younger self finally felt heard, understood, and safe.
Step 4: Rewiring the Memory & Empowering the Inner Child
Now that the younger self has been heard, we go a step further. Through Matrix Re-Imprinting, we reprocess the memory in a way that changes its emotional charge. The brain, through neuroplasticity, physically discards outdated neural pathways associated with distressing beliefs and builds new ones that align with healthier perspectives.
This process mirrors an internal system update—allowing us to naturally adopt behaviours, thoughts, and responses that serve our well-being rather than reinforcing outdated fears.
⤷ how little sadie reclaimed her power
“When we revisited the memory, I helped my child self stand up for herself. Instead of shrinking in fear, she looked my mother in the eye and said:
“No. You don’t get to treat me this way. I deserve to be spoken to with kindness. This is not my fault, and I am not bad.””
In this version of the memory, little Sadie was no longer helpless. She asserted her boundary. Her mother had no choice but to respect it.
This changed everything. The belief that she was ‘bad’ no longer felt true.
Step 5: Integrating the Transformation into Everyday Life
Once the memory is re-imprinted with a new, empowering belief, the changes begin integrating into daily life. Just as limiting beliefs shape our responses over time, positive beliefs do the same. At first, these new ways of thinking and behaving may feel unfamiliar, but as we continue reinforcing them, they become second nature.
The brain’s neuroplasticity allows old pathways associated with fear, avoidance, or self-doubt to weaken, while the new, healthier pathways strengthen and take over as our default responses.
⤷ how things changed in daily life
Her workplace anxiety disappeared and she longer felt dread when people reviewed her work. She just assumed it to be great and welcomed any suggestions on how it could be even more so.
Her perfectionism faded as she no longer believed her worth was tied to getting things ‘right.’
Her relationships transformed as she set higher standards for she allowed others to treat her in all areas of life.
“My self-worth has absolutely skyrocketed. I’ve stopped carrying that subconscious burden of shame and now know I’m a good person who deserves to be loved and cherished.
Whilst it took a few days for the the healing to integrate and for the new neural pathway to take root, this shift was a result of just one intensive session. I’ve been seeing this upgrade in my self-worth reflected back to me in all areas of life ever since—it’s been so beautiful to see unfolding in my reality. ”
📍 Matrix Re-Imprinting is a deeply transformative practice that allows us to access and heal some of our most vulnerable and challenging memories. Because of its intensive nature and the level of personal support required, it is offered exclusively through 1:1 sessions to ensure a safe and fully guided experience.
Are You Ready to dive deeper?
If you’ve ever felt trapped in old patterns—whether it’s perfectionism, self-doubt, fear of rejection, or emotional overwhelm—you don’t have to stay stuck. Through EFT, you can rewrite your past and create a future of confidence, trust, and freedom.